Pogo wins this contest paws down. Takes me back to the mid fifties when the Pittsburgh Post Dispatch picked up Pogo. Pogo was discussed daily.

That my father’s favorite character was Pogo was no surprise. My mother’s delight with Churchy La Femme lay, I concluded, in (dangerous?) francophone tendencies. But her joy in playing the piano while we all sang “Deck us all with Boston Charley” every Christmas season excused that. Walla Walla Wash. and Kalamazoo!!

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This is delightful. : ) Team Pogo for the win! This makes me want to track down some strips and binge-read some Walt Kelly.

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I love Pogo immensely but he had another job in those days, leading the greatest satirical comic strip in history. This frog has much more character than the weather bird, but of course I can’t dislike something I recognized as an indelible fixture some 60 years ago.

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Pogo definitely had a more important role to fulfill, so I agree the T-P readers did him a favor by voiting him out of office. Totally get going with Weather Bird. I'm new to the frog, so I feel like a bit of a Benedict Arnold going with him, since Weather Bird is the only meteorology mascot I've ever known, too - but it's different when you grow up with something.

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I just love you. Warts and all.

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Aw, the feeling is mutual! ❤️ 🐸❤️ 🐸❤️ 🐸❤️ 🐸❤️ 🐸❤️ 🐸

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This is strange, oddly compelling and somewhat terrifying. Therefore, I like it very much. But one has to consider that There’s not much to accurate weather predicting: it changes.

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I tend to think this Frog didn't have anything to do with the weather, but was Eliza's frustrated poetic alter ego. Because the etymology of poet = prophet!

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Indeed! Thank you immensely for the edification.

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